At least 6 months before your child turns three, your Service Coordinator will assist you in planning a move to the next service provider or agency serving your child. This can change where and how services are provided. In early intervention, this change is called transition. IDEA requires a written plan for this transition. A transition plan meeting must take place at least 90 days before your child turns three. Your transition plan will identify the special education services your child may need.
Your Service Coordinator will ask you to sign a permission form so the next agency or service provider can be contacted to plan for transition. A meeting between you, your Service Coordinator, service provider(s) and the local school district will be set up.
The school district determines if your child is eligible for preschool special education services. They will discuss the results of their tests with you and give you information about your rights. If your child is eligible, their services will be provided through an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Your Service Coordinator will assist you in planning a move to other possible services if your child is not eligible for special education preschool services.
Exit from Services or Release from Program
If your child is no longer eligible for early intervention services, the program will offer you a way to keep track of your child's progress. Other community resources may be identified for you and your child and family. You are free to discontinue services at anytime. If your family moves outside of our service area, the JCDC staff will assist you in identifying an early intervention program in your new location and help with transferring the necessary information. Please talk to your early intervention provider if you have questions or concerns about this process.